Letter of Separation for 2016
Dear 2016, Hey there! You know what, I had a rough yet exciting adventure with you. As a cliché line says: It was like a rollercoaster ride with you. Though full of ups and downs, it was still an unforgettable experience. A lot of people say that you suck , which is actually undeniable but I think it is just because that they weren’t able to see the good side of you. They didn’t know that you had a lot of great stuff to offer. A lot of people also left when you came along. As a famous graduation speech line says: To begin with something you, you must sacrifice something old . Fate must have decided that a plenty will leave my side so that a bunch of life-changing people will come along in exchange. It was also when you came when controversies became more rampant. Extrajudicial killings, death of famous people, Presidential Elections, Feminism and LGBTQ+ issues are just some of it. With all these bad news broadcasted every night, I don’t think I’m the only who is tired ...