Dear Teacher

Dear Teacher,

Hi! This is your student. Yes, I know you did not expect for me to write to you but something has been really bothering not just me but also my fellow students.

Yes, being a teacher is a really tough job. I know sometimes you skip meals, sleep for only a limited time, miss some important events or gatherings of your family because you are busy writing your lesson plans, computing our grades or maybe making powerpoint or video presentations.

It’s not that I wondered if you ever thought of us, because we know that you always do but sometimes we think that you just don’t care about us, more importantly about our feelings.

To be in a class filled with hardworking and intelligent students, I feel that you just don’t care about those who are not that outstanding, those who are not that exemplary. Sometimes we think that you have your “favorites” in our class and neglect to see the capabilities of the others. Sometimes we think that you only care about our achievements and not look what are things that we’ve gone through just to achieve that 2nd place award. Well yes, we know you will really expect from us that much because we are the class of the so-called geniuses and studious students of batch but we’re only human, we are not perfect. We are just the same with the other students. We’re also teenagers who try our best to fit in. We might or might not fulfill your expectations but all we wanted for you to see is our efforts and sacrifices just to reach the fullest of our capabilities. All we wanted was your appreciation.

Since you always compare us to other batch or other sections, sorry but we will have our own comparison too between you and other teachers. They tend to appreciate us more than you do. They tend to care more of us than you do. We may hate comparing but for at least we want to tell you how much hurt we are when you say that you don’t think we do our best, that we are worthless and other stuffs like that.

We may have hurt your feelings too sometimes. We may have been so hardheaded or noisy sometimes but we know that you still feel our love and care for you despite of all the hurt we feel from you. We just turn your negative comments to us into positive ones, thinking that you’re only telling us those things for us to improve. For you are our parent, our mom (/dad) inside the school. We tend to spend more hours during a day with you than our real parents.

Sorry if this letter may seem to be a little rude or maybe unappreciative but we just wanted to tell you that it’s just how we feel. Anyway, all we wanted was to tell you our feelings so that we may lighten our burdens inside our hearts and minds.

To end this letter, I just wanted to say Sorry for everything we may have done. Sorry for not reaching your expectations. Sorry if we are sometimes hardheaded or noisy. Thank You for everything that you have done for us. Thank you for all the knowledge, guidance and advices you gave us which really helped us a lot in coping with our lives. Thank you for giving your best for us to learn and for helping us to reach our goals and dreams. Thank you for being a great part of our lives. Thank you for being our teacher.

Sincerely yours,
Your student


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