noun ac·cep·tance \ik-ˈsep-tən(t)s, ak-\
: the act of accepting something or someone
: the quality of being accepted or acceptable

You have done everything but your best was not enough. You sacrificed so much just to achieve it but you still failed. You gave your all for it but it was still not given to you.

It’s because some things are not meant for you. Maybe “now” is not the right time. If I fail today, I will try to believe that it was not given to me because it is not that special time YET. Maybe you need to prepare yourself harder and try hardest.

You have tried your best but someone is better. You need to assess yourself and improve yourself further. Maybe you’re not yet really ready. Maybe you just think you can, but you actually can’t.

It’s not bad to dream, but you should learn how to accept when your dreams won’t come true.

Life isn’t a fairytale. You can’t ask your fairy godmother to have this or that, you can’t ask the genie for three wishes, you can’t move that wand and turn your dreams into reality. Life isn’t really easy and so is accepting. Turning your dreams into reality is up to YOU. Dream good things, work for it better, and achieve the best. But if you fail, learn how to accept. Because sometimes, acceptance is the key to solve your problems and your road to happiness and success.


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